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Getting freelancer work signed of


InAlice thisis scenario,an Alice,employee at a homeowner,multinational wantscorporation. Bob is a contractor who provides consulting services to lendAlice's hercompany. drillingBob machineneeds Alice to Bob,sign a neighbornew whoconsulting needsagreement using an electronic signature. The payment of the freelance job should be made directly to performBob's somewallet.


Background improvementeIDAS:


eIDAS To(electronic ensureIDentification, transparencyAuthentication, and trust, AliceServices) willis receivean EU regulation to facilitate secure and seamless electronic interactions between businesses, citizens, and public authorities. It establishes a standardized framework for electronic identification (eID) and trust services, ensuring interoperability across EU member states. This regulation aims to enhance trust in electronic transactions, thus fostering a more integrated digital receiptmarket confirming that she has lendin the drilling machine from Alice.EU.

What should be achieved?

TransparencyCompliant and trust between Alice and Bob about the lendingsigning of a drilling machine.

What should not happen?

  • Alice and Bob do not want to make their real identities transparent to others. 
  • The factcontract that it is a lending process should notcould be exposed.
  • verified
  • Theby factthird thatparties aif drillingneeded.

    machine should not be exposed.

How to do this?

ForBob simplicity, both Alicecreates and Bob knowpublishes the IDcontract, ofwhich eachis other from the past. (Hint: You get your ID by clicking on the upper right Icon. It will give your ID and allow you scanning the ID of someone elseattached to seea it).new validation.  

  • Bob opens
  • Creates a new validation
  • Using the "+" adds a field named "Fact" with the value "I borrow the drilling machine with serial number 1234"


  • Bob signs the validation and gets a PDF document that he will give to Alice.
  • Alice opens the Verifier of Tydids and validates the signatures and gives the drilling machine to Bob.

Important: Do only trust if you trust 

Basic rule: "Zero Trust"

The example has a single point where trust is needed: It relies on the past/history knowledge of the IDs (=consensus).  But what if this does not exist? What if Bob just moved to the new house? A technical answer to this is "strong qualified signatures".